Already in the early days of the Mormon Church What could have killed the church was polygamy. Believers that face the agony of cognitive dissonance often double down on rationalizing their faith to rescue their illusionary faith and dodge the agony of doubt and depression futher down the path. The pain of loosing your soul looms large.
The rescue effort contains thought models that things don't all have to be literally true to be true and eternal truth can be embedded in fiction and is often best illustrated in a fable or parable. And by rebooting his faith and taking things figuratively DP Trebas, author of the Lucy code has coined the new label "figurative Mormon".
Watching the movie "Collateral Beauty" am reminded how thin the line is between Rescued Beauty and suffering collteral damage to our faith. So the question is how much of a share of concrete truth is necessary for a faith to survive the assault of abstract truth (inspired fiction). This is a legitimate question for every Christian, Mormon or not, but the scope for collteral damage is much larger for the Mormon.
Christianity has flaws, but can ultimately not be disproven whole sale. In contrast Mormonisms spirituality has no legitimate basis in its foundational peseudo historical records (BofM and BofA). It's a Zero. Mormonism hence can only claim the later record D&C and PofGP as authentic physical records. But Mormon spirituality does not need truth to thrive, belief is all that matters in matters of faith and fervent faith in powerful illusions / delusions is potent enough to produce spiritual and supernatural experiences, yes even miracles.
So maybe this is the secret of collateral truth and for the true believer there is always enough, even if in matters of historicity the Bible clearly has the edge over the Book of Mormon. It would be interesting to compare the Thorah with the New Testament to determine the winner for greater historic authenticity. No record is perfect.
For some light hearted viewing watch Mrs Brown & the Mormons and Rowan A's the Devil Toby